Palabuhanratu Beach, or the most popular as Pelabuhan Ratu Beach is a tourist place on coast of the Hindia ocean in the south of West Java, Indonesia. The location is about 60 km to the south from Sukabumi city. The distance from the Sukabumi city to Pelabuhan Ratu Beach is around 2 hours.
Pelabuhan Ratu Beach is a Beach that has a distinctive panoramic beauty. Advantages in other beaches in Indonesia. The tourism object is quite famous to foreign coutries because to its beautiful natural topography, the cool air, the vast expanse of sand. Besides that Pelabuhan Ratu Beach is a very suitable place for surfing, but there are also many tourists who only play on the coastline.
In addition to beauty of the beach, Pelabuhan Ratu Beach also has several other features, including:
Can see the sunrise from the East Coast. The most thing later by tourists when visit to Pelabuhan Ratu Beach it is sunrise, everyone will be amazed to see the view of sunrise, with still cool air wich bring peace to the heart.
Can see the Sunset from the West Coast. Pelabuhan Ratu Beach is the most beautiful pleace at sunset by giving peace of mind and creating a romantic atmosphere for couples.
There is a beach with soft sand. So many touris plays sand because it’s easy to shape, such as making sand castle, writing name on the sand.
Has a beach tourism team or Search And Rescue team (SAR).
Environmentally paved roads with adequate street lighting, and also very safe if the tourists go to Pelabuhan Ratu Beach don’t worry the road is good enough and enough lighting, it’s just that there are lots of turns still have to be carful.
Pelabuhan Ratu is indeed a recommended tourist place. Every national holidays such as holidays during EID and the usual new year many tourists from outside the city is visited Pelabuhan Ratu Beach. Many people who patiently wait for traffic to get to their destination. There is no word of boredom to visit this pleace. After arriving at the Pelabuhan Ratu Beach not a few people stayed until overnight on the beach to see the sunrise and there were also some who rented tents for sleep while listening to the waves Just three days is still lacking and feels fleeting. More than just a tour with friends, and you can add with the atmosphere.
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