Nama : Lucky Lusiana
NIM : 1730911001
this world to many developing country among others are; China, Indonesia,
India, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Kamboja, Myanmar, Thailand, Turki,
Afrika Selatan, etc. Every country need a youth who can change their country
more developing and advancing like Japan, United States of America, Spanish and
South Korea. Indonesia also included developing country and there are to many a
youth but I can’t feel it, why? Because I think in Indonesia there are only a
few youth who care about their country. The youth in Indonesia must be aware of
their country, it will go forward or backward or still be no change, so the
youth must be aware and care. Nowdays, the youth only busy with their life,
they are don’t care about their country, if not they are the one who brought
and justify this country the, who else?. There are to many activities that can
be doing by youth peoplen in developing country, for example the youth can join
with organize, creating technology, and the the youth must have to leadership
youth also must be active in the organization, there are organization in a
village, organization on campus or at school. For example organization in a
village are youth must be more active in youth organization (karang taruna),
youth mosque, or the other positive organization on their village. On campus,
there are also to many organization that can be followed by the youth people,
so they can understood the meaning of organization and can brought Indonesia
state into an advance country, and then organization at school one of them is
OSIS, where young people are trained on the basis of their leadership and can
be use around it. Why the youth people must be active in organization? Is the
organization very important for youth? Of course very important, why? Because
the youth must be active in the organization for open their mind and they have
friends who can exchange idea for this country, then in the organization also
the youth have began to trained leadership and have a sense responsibility and
critical thinking.
technologi is not stranger for us, technology has mastered the world and
everywhere always technology. Indonesian youth must be more creative to create
new technology, for example we can look at one of them the developing country,
Japan, why? Because in Japan technology has been great and more sophisticated.
Japanese youth has been to make a robots with their own hand, Indonesian youth
also must be able to be like Japanese youth. Next, the advanced country is South Korea, Korea also
the advanced country that the technology has been sophisticated, for example
there are s lot of handphone made in Korea who used in Indonesia, Indonesian
youth also must be more to think and open their mind so, their country will
become advanced country like the other
countries especiallyin technology, because nowdays technology is everything.
Indonesia youth must have leadership spirit, becae if Indonesian youth don’t
have leadership, then this country will not have a progress, the leadership and
the sense of responsibility that must be attached to the youth. The youth are
the next generation of the nation, the fate of this country is in the hands
youth, the youth who hold success in this country.
conclusion is the youth nation must be smart people, creative people, be humble
to the other people. The youth nation are the next generation so, open up your
mind, don’t want to be fooled, the youth also should create a new technology
and good thinking, leadership and sense of responsibility must be attacehed to
the youth, so they can brought their country to be better than before.
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