Sukabumi has lots of spesific culinary. The spesific culinary in Sukabumi which very popular and always used as a souvenir by everyone who visits Sukabumi is Mochi. The most popular mochi in Sukabumi are mochi kaswari lampion and momochi. The differences between mochi kaswari lampion and momochi are about the location, the packaging, the taste, and the price.
First, the location, both mochi place are located in Sukabumi, West Java, where I am from. Mochi kaswari lampion is located in Gg. Kaswari, Selabatu, Cikole, Sukabumi. The place of mochi kaswari is in the form of a cafe and a store. Meanwhile, momochi is located in the first floor of Citimall in Sukabumi, which is easier to find. The place of momochi is also in the form of a cafe.
The second thing is about the packaging. Mochi kaswari lampion is packed in a basket and each basket contains 10 mochi. Mochi kaswari lampion is also packed in a box. Meanwhile, the momochi is only packed in a box and each box contains 24 mochi and has a various topping.
Third is about the taste, of course both mochi has a very different taste. Mochi kaswari lampion has a various flavor such as cheese, peanuts, sesame, and more. Mochi kaswari lampion is also has a various colors such as green and purple. The texture of mochi kaswari lampion is very chewy, and the taste is very good. Meanwhile, the momochi has a various topping such as chocolate, vanilla, strawberry jam, and more. The texture of momochi is not very chewy, unlike the mochi kaswari lampion. The taste is also delicious.
The last thing, the price, both mochi has a different price. Mochi kaswari lampion which packed in a basket costs Rp. 40.000, and we will get 5 baskets of mochi, like I said before, each basket contains 10 mochi. The other one which packed in a box costs Rp. 50.000. We can choose a flavour when we buy mochi kaswari lampion. Meanwhile, the momochi costs Rp. 45.000, which contains 24 mochi / box. But, we can't choose a topping as what we want.
As we can see, both mochi are very different in terms of location, packaging, the taste (of course), and price. Both mochi has a very delicious taste. We can buy mochi as a souvenir culinary. Of course, mochi is more delicious if we eat it with a hot tea.
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